
Forming a team of naval architects

Naval architecture is a complex field, consisting of so much more than ship design alone. It requires the blending of skills and knowledge from multiple disciplines in order to establish a firm foundation for the creation of a vessel and the integration of its component parts.


Naval architects have much to consider in their work, including the integration of mechanics, electronics and increasing digitalization. They are required to have an understanding of diverse factors of the ship at rest in the water (hydrostatics), moving through it (hydrodynamics), its general motions and material characteristics, as well as structural design.


With so much to consider, the process of naval architecture is frequently undertaken by a team of naval architects, highly technically skilled individuals, each one a specialist in their respective field.

The role of naval architects

The work of naval architects requires in-depth research into the operation profile of a vessel as set out by the owner or operator, as well as of the environment in which it will operate. To ensure the suitability of the vessel for its intended purpose, naval architects must perform a wide range of calculations. For example, in considering the hydrostatic properties of the vessel, the naval architect must calculate its buoyancy, displacement, stability and trim.


Naturally, the process of naval architecture must also factor in the effects of the flow of water around the vessel and the resistance it will experience in the water. These calculations are of critical importance as they will inform the naval architects’ decision-making relating to propulsion and steering equipment, ensuring that the ship has sufficient power and manoeuvrability to perform its intended function.


The overall safety of the ship’s design is also an integral responsibility of the naval architects. For example, the process of ship design requires the naval architect to perform an in-depth structural analysis in order to select the relevant materials to ensure the proposed structure can tolerate the forces it will experience.

Naval engineering is our middle name

Saltwater specializes in custom naval engineering solutions. By acting as your partner, you receive our full attention. In close cooperation with you, we come up with the ultimate solution for your specific situation. Saltwater has expertise in various markets, such as the offshore decommissioning and renewable energy market, heavy lift shipping, yacht building, maritime transport and offshore oil and gas markets. We take pride in our name and take custom naval engineering literally.


Saltwater are a dynamic team of naval engineers. We keep abreast of the latest developments and future technologies. We are not set in our ways, but act as agile partner in your project, coming up with creative solutions. By taking ownership of your project and keeping the lines of communication short we create quality solutions.

Naval architecture requires the blending of skills and expertise from various disciplines.

Vincent Oudakker | Lead Engineer

Experienced naval architects

Saltwater provides customized marine engineering and naval architecture solutions for the maritime and offshore industries. Our key to success lies in putting your needs at centre stage. Understanding your challenges enables us to deliver practical, quality products and solutions.


Saltwater aims to use its experience in the field of naval architecture to support you in realizing your plans. To help achieve your aims we have assembled a skilled, multi-disciplinary team of naval architects with broad experience across a wide range of maritime sectors and operations. Our naval architects will work together with you towards the design of a vessel customized to your requirements. Our comprehensive process of naval architecture starts with you. With a listening ear, we will take on board what you have to say before getting underway with the creation of your vessel.


Along the way, our naval architects will apply their expertise to ensure the suitability of the vessel design to your requirements, maintaining an open line of communication and providing you with relevant calculation reports as well as 3D renderings to make sure that the vessel design is tangible to you from the outset of its development.

Saltwater employees having a meeting

The expertise of Saltwater in practice

Best practices and
successful cases applied in practice

Mid SOV Blue Dawn

Blue Dawn

Blue Dawn is a 60 meter mid-sized SOV designed to meet the growing demand in the offshore renewable market.

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Blue Sky

Saltwater presents Blue Sky, a Service operation vessel, specially designed for the emerging floating offshore wind market.

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