
Our field of expertise

Mooring analyses

Completion of different mooring analyses, all with different challenges.


Saltwater Engineering was contracted to assist with the verification of the mooring lay-out for several vessels. The vessels will transport monopiles and secondary steel which will be used for multiple wind farm projects. The mooring analyses were performed for the load-in, and out of the cargo at various quaysides. The different mooring analyses all came with different challenges such as limited available quay space or special considerations for the mooring lines due to the (un)loading of the cargo.

Work consists of modeling various quaysides, vessels and mooring arrangements followed by an assessment of the results. If required, advice on improvements was given and changes made in consultation with the client. Calculations are performed for both intact-, and various single line failure cases. Single line failure cases increase the redundancy of the mooring pattern to ensure the vessel is moored safely in even the most severe weather conditions. A survival case is checked in addition to operational cases to increase the capacity of the mooring pattern during storm conditions.

Modeling of quaysides, vessels and mooring lines
Mooring analysis in Optimore
Mooring analysis in Optimore

Specific project data

Project information

Scope of work:

  • Analyzing data
  • Modeling of quaysides, vessels and mooring lines
  • Calculations for intact and single line failure cases
  • Analyzing results and giving advice on improvements if needed


  • Design reports