
Ensuring safe and sustainable operations 

The aim of a vessel survey is straightforward; to ensure the ongoing seaworthiness of a ship. Periodic ship surveys play an important role in making sure a vessel is safe to operate. In these days of increasing environmental awareness, the vessel survey also ensures that the ship is performing according to sustainability requirements. 

As maritime regulations, especially those surrounding safety, labor, and the environment, become increasingly stringent, so ship surveys are also becoming stricter. The ship survey is a mandatory requirement that ensures the vessel is being correctly maintained and able to perform as it should. The ship survey also provides the chance to renew certificates that demonstrate compliance with all relevant legislation.

Vessel surveys – a fact of life

Every ship must undergo regular vessel surveys. This takes place on an annual basis, with special ship surveys taking place at five-yearly intervals. With the ship survey requiring a certain amount of downtime, it pays to be prepared. 

Preparation helps to ensure that the vessel and its equipment passes the requirements of a vessel survey. This way, the vessel survey can be as efficient as possible so that the ship can quickly commence operations again. It is also possible to plan a ship survey to coincide with scheduled maintenance, refit, or conversion, thus avoiding unnecessary additional downtime. 

The surest way to prepare for a vessel survey is to enlist the support of an expert. This means bringing in a company that is recognised by class authorities to be able to conduct inspections prior to a vessel survey. Based on this, the company can then produce a report, to be shared with both the vessel operator and classification society. This report typically features recommendations for the operator to carry out to ensure a positive result following the vessel survey. 

Saltwater employee looking at technical drawing

Call in the ship survey specialists

Saltwater specializes in the delivery of tailored engineering solutions to the maritime and offshore industries. We are able to provide a range of services to help you get efficiently through your vessel survey. 

We can, for example, perform inclining tests, lightweight surveys, and deadweight surveys. We are also experienced in providing support for other elements of the annual or five-year ship survey. This includes producing the reports and recommendations for actions necessary to get a vessel through the ship survey. 

What’s more, we are used to working to a tight deadline and understand the importance of getting the vessel survey carried out – successfully – as rapidly as possible in order to get you back out on the water, where you need to be. 

Get in touch, we’d be happy to discuss with you our full range of vessel survey support services. 

We are experienced in conducting a wide range of surveys, for example:

  • Inclining test
  • Lightweight survey
  • Deadweight survey
  • Draft survey
  • Annual survey
  • Five-year survey

The expertise of Saltwater in practice

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